July 25, 2007

Designing for Web 2.0

Designing for a web 2.0 company takes patience and an understanding of user behavior - how the user will interact with the site. In this web 2.0 world, designers and developers now have access to technologies that can improve a site’s look and function more dramatically than ever before. For example, AJAX, a development technique, makes a webpage more responsive to the user. It can give the user better navigation or the ability to drag and drop information across a webpage with ease. However, the problem with new technologies, like AJAX, is that many designers and developers overuse them, inserting them where they’re not needed. Crowding a new web 2.0 site with these components leads to a lousy user experience that will only drive visitors away. So, to all fellow designers and developers, choose your 2.0 design components wisely, because mediocre or overwhelming UI's just won’t cut it in a web 2.0 world today.

Feedback on the Ziggs website is always welcome at rkelleher@ziggs.com.

Ryan Kelleher
Graphic Designer, Ziggs

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