The newest PEW/Internet study reveals that more than 53% of US Internet users (up from 22% in 2002) have looked up information via search engines on people they know, including work colleagues, friends, neighbors, old flames and more. In light of this insight, it becomes ever more important to really shine online.
So, as the calendar flips forward to a fresh start in the new year, it’s a good time to take stock of one’s accomplishments over the past year. Take a moment to savor your victories, learn from your challenges and set a new course for 2008. As part of this effort, ask yourself how have you changed in the past year… how have you grown? Then, take what you’ve earned and learned and incorporate it into your Ziggs Profile to advance your online brand to reflect the newest you for 2008.
How to update the online you for '08
Expand your Smile ... Add some new photos to your Ziggs Profile, up to six, to give your visitors a better view of you.
Lead with Groups ... Join an existing group or start a new free public group at Ziggs to connect with colleagues over topics of interest, from investments to sports to parenting. Then include a link for every group you participate on the Interests page of your Ziggs Profile
Now that you're off and running, best wishes for a happy and healthy new year.
"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." - T. S. Eliot
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