Goodbye winters... hello sunshine! We are excited to share the news that Ziggs.com has been acquired by ReputationDefender.com of Redwood City, in sunny CA. The mission of ReputationDefender is very synergistic with Ziggs’ mission to help professionals take charge of their online image. As both companies understand the importance of managing your online brand and identity, we feel ReputationDefender’s acquisition of Ziggs.com will continue to deliver ongoing value to Ziggs' customers.
What does this mean for you?
Your Ziggs Profile and the benefits you’ve enjoyed on the Ziggs platform will remain intact. You can continue to update your Ziggs Profile in the future at Ziggs.com. In addition, ReputationDefender will give you access to additional products and services to help you enhance the management and protection of your online identity. Learn more about how ReputationDefender can help protect your online image here. For those interested, here's the TechCrunch coverage of this news.
Thank you for your loyal support of Ziggs.com.
What does this mean for you?
Your Ziggs Profile and the benefits you’ve enjoyed on the Ziggs platform will remain intact. You can continue to update your Ziggs Profile in the future at Ziggs.com. In addition, ReputationDefender will give you access to additional products and services to help you enhance the management and protection of your online identity. Learn more about how ReputationDefender can help protect your online image here. For those interested, here's the TechCrunch coverage of this news.
Thank you for your loyal support of Ziggs.com.
Best to all!
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