August 03, 2009

Put Your Profile to Work. Then Go on Vacation.

Whether you’re at work or on the beach, the virtual you can always be “on the job” online.

That’s the power of having a professional online presence on the web. Whether you’re on vacation in Capri or Cape Cod, hiking in the Himalayas or strolling in Havana, eating pizza in Naples or New York City, your digital presence is ready for action whether you’re in the office or not.

So as you enjoy your summer getaways, remember you can rest easier knowing that when someone searches for you on the web, they can find you online 24/7 with a professional presentation. This gives you an “at work” image, even when on the beach.

So, before you grab the sunscreen and beach towels, be sure to update your “at work” online image via your Ziggs Profile.

Happy Summer!

June 01, 2009

Picture Power

When you think of the Louvre, what image comes to mind? A vision of priceless art work, the Mona Lisa, a King’s palace…?

The picture above demonstrates the power of affecting a brand through imagery. This diaphanous building is the future home of an extension to the Louvre, to be located in Abu Dhabi. It’s such a dramatic contrast from the rock solid weightiness of the Louvre in Paris, it’s hard to juxtapose the two for the same brand idea. Thanks to BrandBlog for bringing a photo and this story to my attention.

You can achieve the same dramatic stop-them-in-their-tracks effect with your Ziggs Profile by using arresting photographs of yourself. Arrange for a professional photo to be taken of you in an unusual location, against a striking color background, or with black and white film.

Here are a few examples of members at Ziggs who have impacted their own professional brand with powerful personal portraits:

May 05, 2009

Cinco de Mayo. American Passion.

After having lived in southern California for a number of years, Cinco de Mayo became known to me as an official holiday of sorts. Although this date is not celebrated in Mexico outside of the state of Puebla, it has become a US day of celebration and pride for Mexican heritage… almost the Mexican version of a St. Patrick’s Day (another US-originating holiday that is not really celebrated in the country it commemorates).

Whether or not you celebrate Cinco de Mayo or St. Patrick’s Day, these quasi-holidays are a fun reminder of the power of celebrating what inspires you. If you’re inspired to celebrate your family, your friends, your heritage, your co-workers, your neighbors, your school, you should do so. In a similar vein, remember to celebrate the aspects of yourself that inspire you the most – your career, your parenting, your interests, your political views – whatever you feel passionately about and want to share with others.

Of course, be sure to celebrate yourself and your passions in your Ziggs Profile. A Profile written with enthusiasm and authenticity will carry you farthest.

Dos tacos de pescados, por favor. Gracias amigo.

March 26, 2009

"Don't Deny Your DNA"

I give full credit for this thoughtful phrase to the company and person, Spike, that recently blogged about it at Brains on Fire, a highly creative identity agency.

Denying your "DNA" suggests that you’re ignoring your instincts or rejecting your personal gifts. But, in today’s world of economic quicksand, sticking to your “DNA” can be your key to staying afloat and grounded at the same time.

In fact, understanding your "DNA" - your personal brand - helps you know where you’re going and why. Once you're clear on your brand "DNA," you become more effective and focused in everything you do. For example, people who know their brand "DNA" tend to present the most compelling professional Profiles at These profiles are confident, clear and direct.

So, be sure to express your own brand “DNA” succinctly in your own Ziggs Profile now.

For more thoughts on this, read the recent Brains on Fire blog entry on this topic here.

February 25, 2009

What's Your Curb Appeal?

You know the house. It’s that one house on the block with the most inviting look from the street. It draws you in because it's so well-maintained. This kind of house certainly attracts buyers more easily than an overgrown house with a cluttered yard. Creating curb appeal for your home is key to your sales strategy. What about your career sales strategy? Have you checked your online curb appeal lately?

As the economic crisis continues to deepen, it’s even more critical that your online brand is professional and inviting. It’s important to ensure that prospective clients or employers enjoy almost effortless access to you through the internet, for new business, or a new job. Your Ziggs Profile is the first place to start updating your online curb appeal. Here are three quick steps to update your online brand.

1. Update the landscape. A good professional photo can be likened to a well-landscaped home. Make sure your online photos present you as current, fresh and focused.

2. Paint the house. Just as the proper paint choice and trim color make a house shine, presenting the right content and tone in your profile will make a difference in your ability to make an impact with the reader.

3. Be found on the map. If a buyer can’t find your house, it’s hard to sell it. Making sure your online profile is easily found in search results is equally important. Upgrading your online visibility in search results gives your online brand a competitive boost. Learn how Ziggs can do that for you.

Taking time to enhance your online curb appeal might make all the difference for you in the year ahead… So join Ziggs and create your free Ziggs Profile today. Or, if you already have one, update your Ziggs Profile now.
